R & D Center BIOINTECH possesses scientific and research expertise in production, application and economic planning in the field of green biotechnology and especially green agriculture, food processing and bio-economics.

The team of R & D Center BIOINTECH is performing research, development and experimental design in the directions, which are of interest for enterprises of various branches of industry.

    Anna Kujumdzieva

    Owner and General Manager

    Bio-technologist, Ph.D. in Microbiology, Assoc. Prof.; research interests and professional expertise (knowledge and technical skills) in industrial microbiology and environmental biotechnology; production of biologically active compounds; investigation of their toxic effects on eukaryotic microorganisms, cellular metabolic networks modeling; green energy production from biomass and municipal waste and other forms of waste; teaching and mentoring activities in the same area; expertise in evaluation/accreditation of study curricula in Biotechnology and awarding scientific degrees in Microbiology; experience in preparation of ICT based training material; application of the principles of EQF/NQF in VET education, as well as ECVET introduction in the evaluation of training; development/coordination of research and educational projects within national/EU initiatives; preparation of project application; ruling, monitoring and evaluation; results reports and analysis.

    Alexander Savov

    Owner and Financial Manager

    Economist, M.Sc. in Management and Finance; research interests and professional knowledge in finances and business administration; competence in production, application and economic planning in the field of green biotechnology and especially green agriculture, food processing and bio-economics; experience in digital and information technologies and preparation of e-teaching/training and dissemination materials, practice in economic basis evaluation of green energy production; practice as a voluntary officer in the realization of successful projects within the frames of EU educational programmes Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates/Erasmus in performance of customer service delivery, planning and management of the technical department activities, liaison, coordination and organizational tasks in support of managers and professionals, proposals development, project help-desk services, etc.


    R & D Center BIOINTECH is realizing its mission by bringing together experts in that field from Bulgarian and European Universities, research organizations, NGOs, and industry establishments. Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

    • University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
    • University of Forestry
    • Agricultural University
    • University of Food Technology
    • Stefan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology, BAS
    • Institute of Molecular Biology, BAS
    • Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, BAS
    • Medical Center Polymed AD
    • FIG Consultores Ltd., ES
    • University of Valencia, ES
    • University of Seville, ES
    • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR
    • SOKO Institute, GE
    • NGO Biognosis, GR
    • Medical School, Athens, GR
    • PERACH Holding Ltd., IL
    • University of Bologna, IT
    • Initute Ltd., SL
    • Aksaray University, TR
    • University of Pamukkale, TR
    • ORKON Ltd., TR