R & D Center BIOINTECH is founded in Sofia in 2003 in accordance with European strategic goal to increase the role of R&D in introducing new knowledge into education and technological innovations. The Center was created to bridge the gap between research and industry through technology transfer and exploitation.
Its mission is to stimulate the transformation of knowledge through coordinated efforts into economic wellbeing in Bulgaria.
The core activity of the company is to establish workable relations between academic, business and local governmental entities at national/international level and to develop innovative training and research opportunities. In this way R & D Center BIOINTECH provides a ‘Theory-into-Practice” environment for:
- Research and innovating
- Technology transfer
- Regional economic transformation
- Consulting
- Grant development services
- Education and training
R & D Center BIOINTECH comprises three departments dealing with:
- Research & Developmentin the area of consumer and environmentally friendly technologies, information and communication technologies;
- Production & Business Activitiesin the area of sustainable agriculture and bio-economics;
- Education & Trainingusing digital technology to realize programmes for governmental and private companies in the areas of workforce development, business start-up and management, marketing, grant writing, commercial and residential development.
& Development
& Business Activities
Education & Training
R & D Center BIOINTECH was created to bridge the gap between Research, Industry and Education through Technology Transfer, Exploitation and Implementation for educational purposes (хипервръзка към списък с International Educational projects).
By actively and creatively building the intellectual and practical capacities of policy makers, practitioners, trainees and the wider research community, R & D Center BIOINTECH aims to generate educational environments that enable future generations to thrive in a time of rapid local and global change.
The experienced educators and trainers of R & D Center BIOINTECH are members from all levels of education. They are able to provide an array of educational services including scientific lectures, e-Books, development of marketing materials, quality assurance issues, STEM services, vocational education, curriculum development, web development and new training techniques application as well as provision of VET with adults and youth.
R & D Center BIOINTECH provides clients a support structure for research projects at educational institutions and national laboratories in the areas of research project development, technical advice, grant-writing, international scientific and engineering support, professional staff searches and conference planning.